Summer Amazon Haul | Life & Style

Summer Amazon Haul

You know what I’ve noticed about myself? I tend to hoard winter clothes and buy new sweaters and cozy pants and styles every season, but somehow my summer wardrobe has been pretty drab for a while now. One, because I’m much more of a spring and fall/winter type of gal and like to snuggle up in clothes rather than hang out in hot girl summer attire. And two, probably because I spend a little bit more during those colder months that by the time summer comes around, I’m still recovering (mentally) from the winter splurge, ha. BUT. This year, I’ve tried to make a conscious effort to update my summer wardrobe because it’s in dire need! Target and Amazon tend to be my go-to’s when I’m looking for classic and capsule wardrobe updates. I’m very much a capsule wardrobe type of gal — I keep things for AGES. And I mean ages. Until they start to disintegrate or don’t fit anymore. I love to mix and match. And I’m all about neutrals and muted colors. I love classic looks that’ll be “in-style” year after year.

And while clothes are just material things, I believe that feeling comfortable in your own skin, including your clothes, matters — not only for your mental health, but just emotional well-being and self confidence, too.

So! Target and Amazon have been helping me out a lot in updating my summer wardrobe this year. In this blog, I’m focusing on my Amazon haul, only because I’ve had a few more orders and try-on sessions with Amazon. With Target, I tend to feel more comfortable going into the store and trying clothes on there rather than ordering online. Not too sure why! I think it’s just easier for me to manage sizing issues because it can be so all over the place with me and Target. And while Amazon can be hit or miss sometimes with product quality and even sizing, there are times where I get lucky and find not only great deals, but great quality goods. I also know Amazon can be a controversial topic in and of itself, but I do love that it’s a one-stop-shop for just about everything. Whether you need something last minute or budget friendly or just want to grab all the items on your list in one place, Amazon’s a great backup to have on hand.

I’ll be covering what I’ve ordered and kept, what’s still on it’s way to me, and those items I’ve also returned and why. So, without further ado, here’s a recap of my summer haul, Amazon edition!

Blog Contents





What I’ve Loved and Kept


These include items that have fit me well and that I’ve loved on! I can’t wait to put them to good use. Most I already have. For reference, I’m 5’3'“ and petite.

Floral Kimono: Small

Slide Sandles: 6

Summer Ruffel Dress: Light Blue, Small

Adidas Cloudfoam Running Shoe: White/White/Black, 6.5

Household and Beauty

Here are a few new household items I've tried this summer plus my favorite facial cleansers - it makes washing your face and removing makeup so much easier.

What I’ve Returned and Why

About half of what I tried, fashion-wise, I ended up returning. That can be really disheartening! But I hope they’ll help you in discovering in your next great find.

Knit Tank Top:

I tried the small. And while I love a great loose fitting, stylish top, this one was just too loose and actually kind of boxy. It also wasn’t as long as it appears in the advertisement photos.


I was so looking forward to this one. Unfortunately, while the bottoms fit me well, the top was actually too small… the straps are not adjustable and for my torso, they just weren’t long enough. I went with size small!

Casual Button Down Dress:

I also really love the advertisement photos for this one, but the elastic around the waste was just too wide on me and the dress itself was heavy. Had x-small been an option at the time I purchased, I think that might have worked for me (I may still give it a shot again)! This time, though, I went with the small.

Short Sleeve Henley:

Gosh, I love henley tops! This one was just too big in the shoulders for my liking, so I returned it.

What’s On The Way


A bit of a bigger order than I was anticipating, but it's time to replace some staples and continue with updating my summer wardrobe. Fingers crossed I found some keepable items!

UPDATE: I’m keeping everything! For the leggings, I actually odered two sizes (s and xs) because I wasn’t sure what would be best and I decided to go with the x-small. They were pretty close in sizing (I honestly could have gone with either), but the x-small just felt better on. I also ordered the bathing suite in another color (the dusty blue).

The Gym People Legging: X-Small

5-Button Dark Blue Shorts: Small

Bathing Suit: Small

Crochet Pant Cover Up: Small

Running Shorts: Small


Honestly, I get a lot of my beauty products from Amazon - especially those that would be considered drugstore finds. Beauty is costly! I save the high-end name brands for my foundation and concealers.

I'm also trying a new mascara!


Well it wouldn't be an Amazon order for me without a few books mixed in! These are some of my most anticipated releases of the summer. Very excited for them to arrive.

What I’ve Still Got My Eye On

aka what’s in my cart / saved for later items


It honestly seems like I have endless items on my saved for later list. Just ask my husband lol! I'll eye stuff for YEARS before I actually take the leap and order them. Sometimes it's because of budget constraints or a trade off purchase - something I need more of, typically like a necessity, and these discretionary items just start piling up!


Same goes for home decor items. It's high time I keep rotating older things out and updating to my current tastes. It definitely doesn't happen overnight and when we're also trying to downsize and consolidate, I'll definitely second guess these types of purchases. But these are all items I'd love to have in my home at some point to continue making it cozy and homey.

Do you have a favorite capsule wardrobe item? Or tell me your favorite season for clothes shopping!

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Oh hey, friend!

I’m Leah. Cozy connoisseur and bountiful book buyer. I have a minor obsession with getting lost in the pages of a good book, guzzling coffee, and thriving at home. Leggings, wine, and essential oils are also my jam. I'm truly just a bookworm and homebody at heart with a knack for content creation & cozy shots. This is my creative space.


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